Paris Hilton is significantly smarter than she lets on. In between her reality TV shows, a drink driving volation and that infamous sex tape, she gives the impression of not being all there - and you'd not be the first to assume that she's just another ditzy blonde.
But she's done remarkably well. Consider this - Paris doesn't have to make any money at all. Her job description as Heiress basically ensures that she's set for life, and her dad's chain of hotels would keep her in big glasses and tiny dogs as long as she wanted.
But in 2005, she raked in $7 million on her own - and by the looks of it, she didn't have to work too hard to get it, either. She's clearly not just a pretty face, even if a lot of her fame rests on convincing us all that she is.
As well as trying to find a series of best friends through a bunch of reality shows (a process which we can't entirely endorse, but you can't fault her for attempting to use the scientific method in what is normally such a haphazard affair) she's tried her hand at acting, too - most notably the 2005 slash-em-up House of Wax but also putting in an actually-remarkably-good performance in Repo! The Genetic Opera as the psychotic Amber Sweet.
And through all of her bad behaviour and apparent air-headedness, she remains unapologetic, which we entirely respect. She's incredibly divisive and made a career out of being someone that people love to hate - a bit like Jeremy Kyle. But better-looking, obviously.